About the School
Vision and Mission Statements
McKenzie Elementary School will work collaboratively to ensure all students succeed. Placing the highest priority on math, reading, and writing instruction will support consistent student achievement so that all students attain grade-level or higher performance levels annually, as measured by state and national assessments. We will strive to instill in all students a love of learning and prepare them to become contributing members of society.
The mission of McKenzie Elementary School is to instill a love of learning while providing a safe, positive, and productive learning environment. Students will develop their individual talents to become effective problem solvers and contributing members of society. Promoting high standards and expectations, teachers, administrators, parents and the community share the responsibility for advancing the school's mission.
General Information
McKenzie Elementary School serves our approximately 530 students with 28 homeroom teachers in grades Pre-K through 4th and rotation classes of physical education, library, music, guidance and computer. Three special education teachers and a speech language pathologist serve our students with special needs, and an intervention teacher and two assistants provide extra help to students in reading. The full-time school nurse addresses the physical health needs of our students, and our cafeteria staff serve approximately 800 meals a day. MES also has teaching assistants in pre-kdg. and special education, as well as a full time secretary/bookkeeper and records technician/webmaster to keep our school running efficiently.
The staff and stakeholders at McKenzie Elementary School believe:
Administrators, educators, students, parents and community stakeholders share the decision-making responsibilities toward achieving the school's mission. Student achievement and academic gain should be our top priority. Periodic and various assessments and proper use of results should drive instruction. All learning styles must be addressed. Students learn best when challenged to explore, discover and develop higher-order thinking skills in a safe, nurturing environment that promotes respect for self and others. Policies should be developed by all stakeholders, and should be centered on the shared mission.